It's a big year for Harry Potter fans. Like, giving-the-Tri-Wizard-Tournament-another-shot big. Because J.K. Rowling said in no uncertain terms that she was done writing Harry Potter novels. So unless you've an appetite for fanfiction (a somewhat unreliable dish), the age of Harry Potter was over.
But this year we're getting everything from a movie, to a play, to a printed book (albeit not a novel--got that? NOT a novel!), all graced with the original author's pen. So bust out your cosplay and burnish your nerd badges, folks, because it is GEEK OUT TIME!
...or not.
I'll be honest: I'm scared. I kind of feel like I need to find a Harry Potter Recovery Support Group to process some of this. Because for me, the one thing worse than having a beloved canon come to a close is having it re-opened with disappointing results. So let's take this one at a time.
But what if it sucks!?!! I don't know if I can take it!!! I think I might gnaw off my own limbs with disappointment if it sucks!!!!
Then we've got Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the play. Based off of Rowling's own story of Harry Potter's adult life, changed into a stage play with her assistance, it's the official continuation of the Potterverse. And if you haven't wondered "What the heck happened to everyone?" then your imagination needs some serious prodding. I know I've wondered. I've mused, I've pondered, I've surmised. But I'm not actually sure I want to know.
Because what if she messes up!!?! What if she drops the ball, doesn't stay true to the characters, and takes it where it was never meant to go!!?!!?!
And finally, we've got Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the book. Or, to be specific: the script. Because this is not - NOT - a novel. And if you've never done theater, or never been forced to read scripts in your English class, then the format is going to make you go, "Huh?" And if you DID read scripts in your English class (Shakespeare comes to mind), you may recall being really, really bored. Because scripts are not meant to be read like a novel. Scripts are meant to be performed. I want to read it? Do I want to interpret, cast, direct, and act this all out in my head based on nothing but dialogue? Then if I ever see it on stage, will I be disappointed?! Will I basically be ruining it for myself if I get the script and read it first!?! HOW DO I HANDLE THIS!?!! I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!
I need to go to the hospital wing and get Calming Draught....
*Don't own them? Don't call yourself a fan, poser!