Awesome begets awesom

      Now that I'm living back in the Pacific Northwest, I see a lot of man-made differences from when I lived in Ohio.  Fewer billboards, for example.  More boats, less guns.  I'm back in the land where every restaurant serves some kind of seafood chowder.  And - probably because of the tech population - I'm seeing a lot of Teslas.

When I get mine someday, it's going to be Tardis blue.
      How many qualifies as "a lot?"  I estimate I drive past about 5 a week.  And each time I turn into some bizarre variation of an early-20's dude-bro in the presence of an attractive woman, ogling the curves and trying to catch the driver's eye just so I can give an eloquent nod of "Wassup?"  I'm really not that much of a car person.  I am one of the patient who has learned to make appreciative noises when other people speak about cars so as not to seem rude, all the while letting my mind rove to more interesting topics, such as making blueberry pie.*  But I admit, when the Model S came out, I was sucked in.  So elegant.  So logical.  So quiet!  For the first time, I understood what people meant when they referred to a car as "sexy."
      Whenever I pass one on the road, a smile appears on my face.  So last week I thought, "Huh.  I should take this a step further!  I'm going to start putting $10 in a jar every time I drive past a Tesla.  It'll be the start of my own Tesla fund!"**  The idea put an even bigger smile on my face.
      Then I read this week's PostSecret, and this particular card caught my eye:
      Now, I've decided to start putting $10 in a jar every time I pass a Tesla on the road, and donate it to charity at the end of the month.  So this is your opportunity to put in a plug for your favorite charities, Dear Readers.  Let's make the air cleaner, to roads sexier, and the human race happier, all at the same time.

*April 28th is National Blueberry Pie Day, folks!

**Reality check: 5 cars a week x $10 means about 96 years before I could afford pay the $50k for a Tesla Model S.  So no, this was not going to be my ONLY means of saving!


  1. I love the idea!

    NAMI is a good charity, and I'm always fond of the Humane Society or other animal-related ones.

    1. As a devotee of rescue pets, I am all over Humane Society, no-kill shelters, and trap/spay/release programs. I think they're at the top of my list.

      Unfortunately, after I wrote that post? I've only seen one Tesla since then. :-P They got creeped out by my ogling and now they're hiding from me.


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