Autumn Sidewalk - A Poem

Leaves on the sidewalk;

Always and all my life before
and up until this moment
my mind and heart agreed:
there green souls
(drunk on sun)
back leaned vibrant and
surrendered themselves
to flight--
Short to long, it
doesn't matter,
for such is life and
Yes, And this is theirs.

And maybe it is.

But now my soul sees something kindred,
and pushes
where my uncertainty had once so neatly lodged.
Perhaps just one leaf fell
(for reasons at which we can only guess)
and each every other
treebound yet
felt the longing
missed and desired and
struck to the vein and
unwilling to be high
and left behind,
gave up and all
to gravity
and all the colors of flame.

*All blog content is the sole creative and intellectual property of Z.D. Gladstone, unless otherwise noted--and very open to constructive feedback!

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