Brought to You by the Letter: "C"

     These days, the letter "C" is very much the theme of my life.*  "C" is for Corona virus, and COVID-19, and even though "quarantine" starts with a "Q" there are first graders who will misspell it with a "C."  But we're not calling it quarantine in my household--we're calling it "temporarily banished for the good of the realm."  I encourage you to do the same.
      But "C" is also for coffee, & chocolate, & conchas (which I intend to try baking later this week).  It's also for chats & chums.  It's also for Critique Groups, & I am here to happily report that I have been able to join a new one!  Admittedly, I'm joining at a point where we have to meet remotely so I'm giving & receiving feedback to disembodied voices (we haven't figured out the video features yet), but it has given me the extra motivation needed.  Writing is once more a part of my routine.  Now I get up in the morning, put on my comfy composition clothing (pj pants & a fluffy hoodie), & get in front my laptop.  It has already improved my mental health.
      So thank you, new critique comrades.  Thank you, cat who sits next to me & purrs while I write.  Thank you cup of caffeine.  And thank you, readers: you may not start with a "C," but I cherish your continued check-ins on the content of this blog.

Here's a baby porcupine.  It has nothing to do with anything, but it's super cute, and "cute" starts with "C."  You're welcome.

*Oh yes, hello!  And by the way I'm not dead!

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