Peace on Earth, Good Will to All

      I practice peace.  Peace is not just the absence of violence, it is the choice to actively do good.

      I practice peace by decrying all forms of violence, whether it's a mass shooting, military aggression, or online harassment, or domestic abuse.  But I also practice peace donating time and money to charities.  I practice peace by supporting the rights of minorities.  I practice peace by refusing to validate the inflammatory rhetoric (and often downright lies) of any politician.

      I practice peace by believing that all human beings are capable of change.  I practice peace by trying to listen with empathy to people who have views that differ from my own, identifying the wisdom that motivates them, and seeking our common ground.  I practice peace by seeking environmentally responsible choices in my food, clothing, and travel.  I practice peace by supporting food, shelter, and safety for all human beings.  I practice peace by respecting human dignity.

      I am not perfect.  I wish I could say that I do all of the above flawlessly, to my fullest, every single day, but I don't.  I try, though.  And in the wake of all the violence that seems to be swelling across the globe, I want to try harder than ever.  Because I believe that most people practice peace.  Just as we all want security of food and shelter, opportunities to work and grow, and love, I believe all human beings want peace.  Of course it doesn't always appear that way.  As a psychotherapist, I know too well how the human psyche can be battered and coerced into perverted beliefs about how peace is best accomplished.  So today, I want to commit anew to practicing peace in as many ways as I can.

Today, I will practice peace by:
 - Expressing my love to my family and friends
 - Letting people know I appreciate them
 - Selecting my holiday charities, and giving generously
 - Forcing myself out of my comfort zone to smile at pan-handlers, instead of averting my gaze
 - Letting people merge in traffic
 - Recylcing
 - Thanking veterans and those on active duty for their service
 - Writing to my political representatives to ask for peace
 - Act on opportunities to stand up for others, however those opportunities emerge
 - Sending my pleas to the Higher Power I embrace for peace on earth, and good will to all
 - Refusing to give in to fear, hate, or revenge in the face of horrific violence

      Thank you for reading, and I support you in however you choose to practice peace today.


  1. *hugs* I love and appreciate you, Sweetheart! I don't tell you often enough, but you are an inspiration to me.

  2. Love this. Thanks for posting!


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