More with the Queasy

      I am officially halfway through sending out my agent queries.  And I continue to feel queasy every time I hit "send."
      The problem is that I never seem to be DONE.  Every time - every bloody time - I look at a letter, a synopsis, a chapter, you name it, I see a little something to tweak.  Change this word.  Restructure this paragraph.  Move this sentence.  Little things, but they do feel like real improvements.  It's like decorating a damn cake one sprinkle at a time.  But that means I'll NEVER be done!  So I have to force myself to just send the freaking thing before I scan it for small improvements for the seventh time.  And that means there's a part of my brain that's convinced I've made a mistake.  Hence the queasiness.
      It doesn't help that I seem to be finding the most time during my coffee breaks.  Nothing like nerves + caffeine to make my fingers feel jittery on the keyboard.  I can feel the increased likelihood of typos.  *shudder*  I'm on track to meet my goal, however, so hopefully by next weekend I'll be all done with querying and back to baking, blathering, and writing whatever comes into my head.

1 comment:

  1. It is strange but I hardly ever change things that I write. I might change a word if I realize I have used it twice in the same paragraph. I rewrote my novel after an English Prof read it and critiqued it. I wish I had never changed it now. Best of luck. You are such a good writer.


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