The Most Random

      After four days of carb-loading and sleeping in, getting up at 5:30 this morning was rather a bit of a shock. Sometimes when I'm sleep deprived I get grumpy. More often, however, I get goofy, and not necessarily in safe or helpful ways. Which means I probably shouldn't be blogging right now. But, in the words of McWatt, "Oh, well, what the hell!"
      So here's two random things to start your week. First of all, how out-of-it was I this morning? I went to go put on a pair of socks, and just stood there, staring at the plethora of various foot clothing, for no less than four straight minutes. I couldn't decide which socks to wear. I was paralyzed by the plethora of options! So many socks! So few feet!!! How was I going to get out of my pajamas and into real clothing at all!?!
      I did, eventually. Or at least that's what you're led to believe. You can't see me. For all you know I might still be in my pajamas and slippers, utterly sockless. You'll just have to trust me.
      And now random #2, which I'm sure you'll find much more enjoyable that stories about my to-stocking-or-not-to-stocking dilemmas...
      ...the first teaser-trailer for the new Star Wars movie came out over the weekend! NERD-GASM!!!!!
      There! Isn't that awesome?! Isn't that awesome!?!? Did you see the people? And the stuff? And the effects? And the Millennium Falcon!?!! This already looks sooooooo much better than the last movie. My inner child is going to be holding its breath in anticipation until the release date in December 2015. Which she can do without asphyxiation because, you know, she's a psychological metaphor.


  1. I will trust that you eventually found just the right socks, although the alternative sounds more enjoyable. Perhaps next time you should forget the socks and listen to what the universe is telling you - take a day off!!! I think the universe was trying to tell me that this morning and I didn't listen. I have regrets. ;)

    I couldn't have been the only nerd out there who was chanting "please don't mess this up" while watching that trailer. YAY!

    1. Actually, I'm not sure that I DID find the right socks...I think I've repressed whatever decisions I ultimately made.


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