Blog Hop

     My friend and soon-to-be-published novelist Camela participated in a blog hop about writing the other day, and I found her answers to be very interesting! We've been friends for many years, and yet I still learned a couple new things about her. I love that people are like that, especially good friends and awesome people in general: there's always new awesomeness to be discovered! So I decided to answer the same questions.

Where do you like to write?

My options in that regard are pretty limited. The apartment has around 550 square feet, and there is no desk, so I'm usually on the couch with my feet on the coffee table, my laptop balanced on a cushion. But on the rare occasion I have time and a bit o' spending cash, I really prefer to write in a good coffee shop. A pastry and an accompanying beverage, a chair and a table, and just the right amount of bustle about me are pleasing to my Muse.

Which part of researching your current novel was most interesting?

I freaking love doing research for my novels, and my current project has merited quite a bit! The most interesting part has been finding old scandals from the 1860's: financial schemes, political backstabbing, and the like. If you're willing to spice up your fiction with some fact, history has all the villains and plot twists you will ever need!

How important to you are names in your books? How do you choose them?

Names are hugely important to me. I like them to have a hint of symbolism at best, and at the least I want them to have a mouthfeel that suggests a certain vibe. I wrote a little about this in my post The Running List, and it continues to stand true. Also, I confess that I sneak in tributes to real people I have known - both friend and foe - but always in such a way that nobody could figure it out if I didn't tell them. It just gives me a feeling of satisfaction.

Do you read your own reviews? Do you respond to the bad?

Seeing as how I have yet to publish anything, I haven't had to deal with that question as yet. If and when I do get published, I expect I will probably read all the reviews of my first couple books with an obsessive and possibly unhealthy vigor. If I am extra fortunate and publish multiple works, this may wear off. As to responding...I have no idea. If I do, it won't be without several revisions and multiple nights sleeping on it, so as to provide multiple layers of filter.

What are your favorite books to give as gifts?

The ones that people ask for. Some of my favorite books are ones I've received as gifts. Likewise, some of my least favorite. I will suggest books to people if I honestly think they will enjoy them, but when it comes to purchasing books for another person, I stick to what they know they want.

1 comment:

  1. I am thinking we should do a Halloween blog hop! The one I participated in was set up in the span of 45 minutes, so it was just lucky I was paying attention to Facebook at that particular moment and had a lunch break to do something fun :)

    Yay for coffee shops! When you are back in town, I found a really fun one near my house that has coffee I can drink (!!!) and is all things geek. I love it.


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