In the Beginning, there was Yeast.

So let's get down to brass tacks: I started this blog because I write fiction, and I have a dream of being a published author someday. How long have I had this dream? Well, in her astonishing pile of sentimental odds and ends from my early days, my mother has a compilation of scarcely decipherable picture books I doodled as soon as I could get my hands on washable markers--so it would seem I was writing books since before I could write. I love stories. I think in stories, dream in stories (sooo many fascinating dreams), and my conversation is liberally peppered with them. I will happily write until the end of my days no matter what happens, but let's face it: my life would be even cooler if one of my stories appeared in professional print on a nice bookstore shelf.

Apparently, however, in this glorious digital age, one greatly increases one's chances of being published if one has written other stuff--even if it's a blog.  0.o  I confess, while I think the progeny of my over-active imagination are suitably entertaining, I don't flatter myself the ramblings of my real life are all that interesting. I have attempted bloggishness in the past, but it's always dwindled off. So how to make a blog that keeps my interest (at the very least) and possibly may amuse some other random people in the universe? (Hi, random people!) The advice I have received suggests genuineness. As with being a good friend, a good therapist, or a good statesperson (as opposed to a politician), being genuine is central.

Which means writing about things that genuinely interest me. Therefore, this blog shall largely focus on reading, writing, and food. Because for me the three are oddly closely linked. Reading a good book with a snack is frankly the most basic comfort activity I can think of. I've never written a cookbook and currently have no plans to do so, but whenever I write I find myself using meals, eating habits and specific foods as character development. I also have a habit of cooking types of food my characters would eat, and then devouring it myself as I type my stories. So as far as topic fodder, scribbles and munch seem pretty straight forward.

Which brings me to yeast: I've been planning an Easter brunch for my husband and I(I love any excuse to make a fancy brunch--did you know that April 16th was National Eggs Benedict Day, incidentally? I love me some Julia Child hollandaise!), and finally decided to try my hand at croissants from scratch. It shall be a daunting task, consuming many hours and potentially lethal amounts of butter. But I have more than mastered pie crust, biscuits, buttermilk bread, and brioche. It's time to take the next step. It's time to use these granite counter-tops to their full potential. And as every good croissant starts with yeast, so does this blog! Fail or triumph, it is the process that matters.

And if I mess up too badly, there will still be ham.

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