Still Hiking

      Have I mentioned how much I love living in a place as rich in nature and culturally diverse as the Seattle area?  Today on my morning hike I met an Iranian man on the trail with his Korean girlfriend, and they were accompanied by his pet goat.  It was awesome.
      This summer I've stuck with my goal of hiking every weekend.  Sometimes I go alone, sometimes with friends, but it's always wonderful--and frankly my stamina rocks right now.  So far I've hit the following trails:

Poo Poo Point via the Chirico Trail (it's close to the city & you don't need a parking permit, so you don't have an excuse--go do it!)

This is the view from Poo Poo Point when the mountain is "out."  It was not "out" when I did the hike, but the view was still pretty awesome.
Icicle Ridge, which is conveniently located right next to the awesome town of Leavenworth, and thus easy access to superb beer and brats.
Do hike, congratulate yourself with food.  This is what makes life great.
Margaret's Way, which is part of a network of other trails I will probably explore more thoroughly in the fall.

Snowshoe Falls, via Denny Creek (get to the trailhead before 8am if you want to park).
There are two waterfalls up the trail from Denny Creek, and the views require some dangerous dangling.  This is not my photo.  I was too busy not tripping.  But I loved the hike regardless.
Cave Hole Trail...and several other trails connected to it, because I just kept going for about 2 hours before I turned around.

Kachess Ridge, which was soul-stirringly lovely, but seriously buggy!
The trail got rocky in parts, but it was totally worth it.
Trout Creek...sort of.  A series of rain and wind storms last winter knocked over so many trees, the gravel road to the trailhead was no good for driving.  So we just parked at the turn-off and hike up the road.  Then we reached the actual trail, and it was so cluttered with fallen trees we only made it a half mile before it became impassable.  Maybe I'll try again next year, after it's had some maintenance.

      I estimate I've hiked a total of roughly 35 miles, and gone up total of 15,205 feet.  And back down.  Obviously.
      And I still haven't found my entrance to Faerieland.  Obviously.  But I'm not done yet!

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